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Well that's convenient

Monday, April 30, 2007 11 comments

Very interesting day today! How 'bout ya'll?

Okay, maybe it wasn't that interesting. Not that I was lying before. It was interesting to me. Just maybe not so interesting to you :')

I don't have any long, wisdom~filled, inspiring thoughts on any given topic right now as I usually do.

Oh, wait. I was just thinking about somebody else's blog.

I don't usually have those here.

But you can still *pretend that I do. If you want to.

Or you're like a big~purple~dinosaur~who~shall~remain~nameless and that's the way you roll.

Either way. It's all good to me.

Do you want to know what I saw today? You're never going to believe it. It was just sad.

A rose made out of panties.

This is not the interesting part of my day by the way. This is just the random part of it that popped into my head when I started typing.

Now I'm not completely naive. I understand that there is obviously a huuuge market for those things.


What girl wouldn't want one?

What shocked me about it, was that they were being sold at the cash register of the local convenient store.

The one where I have take my children in with me to get stuff.

My children.

Half of whom, are still in the if~you~can~get~it~in~your~grabby~little~hands~then~it~must~go~into~your~mouth phase.

It doesn't always make it to the mouth though.

On a good day.

Which today was.

But those hands are really .. grabby. And quick.

My children.

Who ask questions about everything. everything!

And not quietly either. Not even a little bit.

It's like they have a rule or something.


But only with an audience.

The bigger the audience, the louder the voice.

Like they're taking a poll or something.

Ya think they're checking my answers?

Maybe I should rethink this homeschooling thing.

They might be learning too much.

Isn't there another rule out there somewhere that say mommy's always right?

Atleast when it comes to the little *Things.

If not, we should definently get one of those.

That could be useful.

Anyway, the above combination of Things, convenient store counter paraphanelia & other people within hearing range is just not a good mix.

How is it a *convenient store if I still have to go to cvs? Read the full story

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boy *Things & girl *Things

Thursday, April 26, 2007 6 comments

Have you ever seen that movie Bruce Almighty? It's not new or anything. And I haven't seen it recently. I'm not really sure why I was even thinking about it. SO...we'll just...come back to this later. When I actually have something to say about it. Sound good? Good!

You wanna know what drives me crazy about trying to tell ya'll stuff sometimes? Words just don't look the way I say them. like, how often do you talk like this? Where every word is just clipped off neatly at the end. NO emphasis. No pronunciation. It's just ...wierd. Ooooor maybe it's just me? No. You're supposed to say NO.

I was thinking about when Thing 1 ~9yob~ was like 2. Closer to 3. But still 2. He has always been SO self reliant. He can & wants to do everything for himself. This was an extremely annoying trait to me when he was my only *baby. When I had all the time in the world ~ or atleast all the time in the day ~ to cater to his every little desire. But now, that there are 4 more not~so~self~reliant..make that 5 more, I am singin the hallelujah chorus.

I have a point. I just haven't gotten you to it yet. Hang on. I'm getting there.

All we need is just a little patience.....

I was talking to a RL friend (1 of the many 2) who I LOVE and we were talking about Thing 4. And how I have to make sure that no matter what I am always always up & at the very least, semi~coherent BEFORE he wakes up. Or Chaos will reign. & that is just *not the way I roll ;)

That made me remember when Thing 1 was like 2.

& he woke up first. And apparently... had a little time on his hands...before he came into our room all happy & excited. He made us breakfast. Just like daddy does. Cause he loves us so much. Ain't that just the sweetest thing?

You can see where this is going can't you? 2 yr old. Unsupervised. Kitchen.

Say it with me now... a recipe forrrrrrrrrrrr...... what? I can't hear you.

OmGOODNESS let me just tell you what we walked into. A lovely breakfast buffet. Uncooked 'scrambled eggs' ~the good kind~shells & all~ beautifully arranged on the front doormat. 3 bowls sat ontop of the coffee table. Full of jello. And cheerios. And milk. Yummy. A nice contemporary look ....a walkway made of cheerios & grape jelly ...led us into the kitchen.

Need I go on?

I find it oddly funny that the girls *Thing 2 & Thing 3, (Thing 5 is not old enough yet...thankfully;) who love love LOVE to be in the kitchen with me, have never experimented on thier own. And NOT because they are less adventurous. Trust me. I have had walls decorated with you~don't~even~want~to~know~what that just toss that theory right out the window.

Maybe it's a girl thing. Thou shall respect the kitchen. The kitchen shall become your friend. I really like the kitchen. Not so much, my kitchen. Just the kitchen in general, as a room.
I don't know why. I can only cook good enough to not starve my family. That's about it. OH but I make a *mean sausage gravy & biscuits. And pasta. And chicken. And porkchops. Okay, maybe I'm not as bad of a cook as I thought. I must have gotten a little better since the last time I checked. & That's always a good thing.

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I've just got nothing here. Ya. Sorry.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 13 comments

I give up.
Rockyou! is NOT rocking me right now.

I knocked out last night. I am officially sick of being sick. I don't usually get sick. I don't usually get sick to the point where I can't just ignore it & go about my day. My poor kids. They haven't learned a thing since last Monday.

Okay. To be fair to myself, and my awesome teaching abilities, they have actually still learned a few things.

Like how to make it look like you've done things..
when you haven't really done a thing.
How to feed your family every night...
without ever turning on the oven.
How to get a movie at bedtime...
by sweet talkin daddy while mommy's knocked out in a Nyquil~induced~coma.
How mommy will be SO agreeable to anything (including, but not limited to, an ultra healthy breakfast of sausage pizza~banana split pudding~& cheeze its) if you just be quiet while you're doing it.

Not exactly my plan for our curriculum. Or anything close to my "Good Mom" to do list. Read the full story

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But seriously?

Monday, April 23, 2007 7 comments

When I think about it. With a *childrens~benadryl~free~mind. As much as Amish. People. Rock. I think I'd rather just be thier neighbor.

I love the simplicity of thier lives. I love that everything they do surrounds thier faith. Ya know what I mean? They are diligent. They are focused. They totally *stand together.

And, how often have you heard about someone actively practicing Amish~ness, going on a mad~bonanza~style~killing~spree? (Did they have those on bonanza? Shoot outs? Maybe? It was a western. Wasn't it?) Don't you think they'd make awesome neighbors?

AND. As neighbors, I get the added bonus of keeping all~of~the~totally cool~stuff~that~I~really~don't~need~but~totally~take~for~granted.

Like a washer & dryer.
My truck.
*Store bought milk.
Spray & Wash.
*No More Tangles.
Magic Erasers.
Fruit Snacks.
Cell phones.

I know. That is a sorry list. That's why I stopped. Did ya notice I used the word totally 2'ice in one sentence? I totally did. You want to know what's even sadder?? I noticed before I even hit post. I just didn't feel like changing it.

Did I mention I've moved on to nyquil?

Last night that stuff knocked me out cold. For like 13 hours. And I was still absolutely exhausted all day today.

It's been a while. A long long time really. But if I remember correctly this is pretty much what a hangover feels like. Can I tell you how thankful I am that my body has a natural aversion to alcohol? Not so much because I think that all forms of it are the epitome of evil. More because of the mack truck it parked on top of my head. I would ask the driver to back up but I can't see him in the haze of nyquility.

For that matter. I am pretty much going to end this nonsense 'on accout of the fact' that I'm seeing 2 of you. 15 points to the 1st person who can name that movie. Or tv show. I know it came from somewhere. Okay. 30 points on account of the fact that I can't remember where it came from.

Edited to add: Could'a swore I hit post last night. Read the full story

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H square to the 5th power.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 5 comments

A mystery is a reality whose existence we can perceive, but whose inner workings we cannot understand. Einstein.

That quote has absolutey nothing to do with this post by the way. I just liked it. So I stuck it up there. For no reason at all.

What's that?
Oh you like it too?
I knew you would.
That's why I put it up there.
Just for you.

Bet you thought I had some deep, profound & wise thing going on here huh? Nope. Not so much. But that's okay. You can still think that. If it makes you feel better.

You know who is pretty deep, profound & wise? Melanie Faith. You should go check her out. She's good people. And she's challenged me to Get Some Goals! Ooooh. That hurts a little. lol.
You know what that means. Right? Can ya guess? Can ya? Oh. Really. You can. I'm that predictable hmmm? Well. Now you sound like the biggest Thing of them all. Did I mention that one of him is *more than enough!? ;)

And as for you, just read the dang list anyway okay?
You might as well. You've already gotten this far....

the top 5 to 10 goals that you gotta’ get so that you can truly say you have achieved your wildest dreams in life.
  1. One of my truly wildest dreams....
  2. is to be able to *tinkle.....
  3. all by myself....
  4. without being followed.....
  5. interrogated....
  6. or otherwise interrupted by loud crashes and bangs and clunks and 'Mommy Thing 2 is trying to climb out the window again" s. Causing me to perform a feat that would challenge even 'Mighty Mom' herself.... .....
  7. stop mid~tinkle.
  8. After having 5 children.
  9. That's pure superhero type stuff there.
  10. But I have no clue how to make that happen.
  11. Or I would already be enjoying that *tinkle freedom.
  12. Goal 1 ~ Find someone who knows.
  13. Another of my wildest dreams
  14. is to get out of the house
  15. into the truck
  16. and further than the entraceway
  17. before hearing the words
  18. "Mommy I can't hold it"
  19. after I asked each & every one of them.
  20. 3 times.
  21. And made them try anyway.
  22. Because I knew what was going to happen.
  23. So you see,
  24. I've covered all of my bases.
  25. And again I have no clue how to make that happen.
  26. Which brings me to
  27. My absolute wildest dream ....
  28. is to never have to do laundry
  29. ever again.
  30. Eve really screwed us with that whole apple thing.
  31. Really.
  32. If it weren't for her
  33. There would be NO laundry
  34. We would all be nakie
  35. & not even knowing it.
  36. But since it's not a perfect world
  37. I'll just keep my clothes on
  38. Thank you very much.
  39. It's better that way.
  40. Really.
  41. For all of us.
  42. Unfortunately I can't go back
  43. to the garden
  44. and warn her.
  45. So I have no clue how to fix it.
  46. And there we have

And there it is. Okay, so I obviously dont have very lofty aspirations. No hall of fame for me.

But it is what it is.

My wildest dreams come true in finding contentment in what is already in my path.

My biggest goals are attained by just making the most of the life I have.

Well, that & maybe learning from someone who knows! Cause I sure as heck don't ;)

But maybe some of these girlies have a clue....





I'm passing the buck to ya'll. Now you've 'Gotta Get Goals'. Read the full story

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Oh I wonder... wonder ~ is it bedtime yet?

Monday, April 16, 2007 5 comments

Today I have

  1. Washed, dried, folded & fluffed (ha ha ha do you really believe that?) about 200 loads of laundry. Really. That's not an exaggeration.
  2. Wondered how such relatively CLEAN children can make thier clothes SMELL so BAD.
  3. Changed roughly 30 (million) dirty diapers.
  4. Wondered WHY they have to be SO much like thier daddy in *that respect. Maybe HE should be the official diaper changer.
  5. Listened to Thing 1 describe ~in detail~ his latest story creation. Life in Snotland. Complete with illustrations. And maps. "Daddy lives on booger lane, where do you want to live?" As far away from there as possible.
  6. Wondered if there is a way to somehow count this little project as 'school'.
  7. Kissed thousands of boo boo's. Real & imagined.
  8. Yet, when Thing 4 smacked his head (hard enough for me to HEAR the Whomp) and I asked him if he wanted mommy to kiss it he just said "No it's good ma" and continued on with his little 2 yr old life.,
  9. Wondered when my love for my children overcame my complete disgust for all feets.
  10. Watched Thing 5 make faces in the mirror.
  11. Wondered how long the "playin with the pretty baby in the mirror" game would actually be entertaining.
  12. 47 minutes. Yes the child looked at herself in the mirror for forty seven minutes.
  13. Aaaand we watched her the entire time.
  14. Yes we have no life.
  15. We started out with nothing.
  16. And we still have a little left.
  17. Listened to Thing 1 tell the very vivid (& unfortunately true) story of how he and the biggest Thing of them all caught a dead cat while fishing the day before.
  18. Apparently it was SO cool.
  19. But only because it was already dead.
  20. Wondered if the entourage of pets that have lived & died during thier time with our children, has emotionally scarred & completely desensitized my child.
  21. Was actually thankful to find out that he cried when they caught it.
  22. Felt bad for being happy about a crying child. Still a little happy to know we can skip the years of therapy.
  23. Would have skipped the therapy anyway. We have daily therapy sessions on our knees.
  24. Wiped snotty noses 400 times.
  25. Once with my shirt.
  26. Wondered if the snotland story was based on actual facts.
  27. Decided to change my layout AGAIN.
  28. Wondered if I really *do have multiple personalities.
  29. Started to write a post about the layout changes.
  30. Wondered why I was trying to rationalize blog background decisions to an inanimate object.
  31. Skipped the post and ate some chocolate instead.

*** Edited ~ Thing 1 has brought it to my attention, that the reference to booger lane was incorrect. It is actually booger pit road. And his dad not only resides there, he is the king of snotville ... er snotland. Thing 1 has very *graciously forgiven me for this error. According to him I am not expected to really understand such complex ideas. Thank God for that. I was having quite a hard time wrapping my tiny little brain around such a big thought. ROFL

Read the full story

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Random Thinginess

Friday, April 13, 2007 6 comments

Thing 3: Mommy I can't remember. Why did Jesus die on the cross for our sins?

Mommy: Because He loves us SO much.

Thing 3: Oh Ya.
LONG thoughtful pause: But I really don't remember that day.

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You better think. Think.

Thursday, April 12, 2007 5 comments

Think about what you're tryin to do... er sorry. That song is totally stuck in my head. What? It's stuck in your head too? How ironic. Wait~what..oohhh .. it's only stuck in your head 'cause.. my bad.

I *think I've had one of those blog moments. You know, the one where you realize that there's this whole little bloggyworld out there and you've somehow become part of it. Actually, what I'm realizing is that its a BIG BIG bloggyworld out there. And some amazing moms behind them. Moms that you want to be just like when you grow up. Moms like Youngmommy who is a so~much~better version of me than I am. So imagine my surprise when she tagged me with the

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She made me sound So great I almost wanted to check myself out. Not like that! Think NICE thoughts! And ya wanna know the best part? It involves *making a list. I KNOW! Aren't you excited? WOW. Really... you don't have to do cartwheels... Just sit back down...
And go check out 5 bloggers who make me think
  1. A Not So Desperate Housewife ~ Rebecca ~ is the absolute awesomest. She's my 1st blog friend & my 1 faithful reader. lol. AND she even humors me with comment lists! You can tell that she's the mom you could just chill with all day. No matter what you were doing. Or how WILD your kids are being. And even though she *thinks she's just waiting for the world to change, I think she's helping to change it :)
  2. I was just led to Especially Heather yesterday but I was completely engrossed in what she wrote & how she wrote it. When I read about her baby girl I could SO relate. I've been there! When I read about what she is going through now I thought "I could never do that" and especially not with the grace that pours out of her. Unknowingly, she reminds me to be thankful that our savior is not just your average everyday hero.
  3. Charity of Arrows In Our Quiver really makes me think. She makes me think "How does this sweet little girl have it SO together, and what does that say about me?" lol. If you are ever, ever EVER feeling down & out, need a shoulder or an ear, encouragement or support, or just straight up need to feel like somebody loves ya THIS is the place to go!
  4. The mom behind Always A Work In Progress is a true Titus2Woman. She cracks me up with the peepee dance and other silliness. Most of all she challenges me, in those wifely areas... and encourages me to strive to be a better wife, mom & woman. AND she gives the best (((hugs&prayers))).
  5. Ya'll are making me stand up right in the midde of stalkerville for this one, but if I'm givin you blogs that make me think then I've gotta tell you about Rockstar Mommy. I'm not sure if this awards thing is really the way she rolls.. but the very 1st post I ever read on her blog brought home a HUGE lesson that I was being taught. If you looked up a comparison for our little corners of blog world it would probably come up under antonyms. You would be looking this up on Encarta, of course. 'Cause that's just how we look things up around here. We are both moms, and our instinctive *mom feelings, emotions, fears... they are all the same on the inside. It's just the way we express them on the outside that's different.

The idea of this award is to "pay it forward" --

If, and only if, you get tagged, & you choose to participate,

write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think

Link to the original post, so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme

Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’

Read the full story

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Truthiness Tuesday

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 1 comments

1. I am declaring today to be Truthiness Tuesday.
2. Truthiness really IS a word. I didn't just make it up.
3. Encarta failed me. But YOU are SO important to me that I searched high and low across the internet to find it.
4. I found it.
5. In the Urban Dictionary.
6. Truthiness.
7. Not to be mistaken with the Truth.
8. See the difference?
9. I was watching the news this morning.
10. Okay the biggest Thing of them all was watching the weather and I just sorta *caught a story on the news this morning.
11. But it sounded much better the other way. SO,
12. I was watching the news this morning.
13. And they were talking about Tampa.
14. And the water department.
15. We use chlorine gas to clean our water.
16. Apparently, this is a tremendous risk for terrorism.
17. They are blowing up chlorine gas compounds in Iraq.
18. So they told them exactly where to find ours.
19. And approximately how many people they could kill should they choose to blow it up.
20. Good lookin out.
21. I really don't care to watch the news.
22. The last time I watched it, there was a story on cooking healthy meals.
23. For your dog.
24. hubba wha?
25. Right after that, they showed a woman who just tossed a live baby out in the trash.
26. I'm not really *into the whole political thing.
27. So I won't pretend to be all smart and knowledgeable.
28. Because I am just so..not.
29. But I will say this.
30. The reason we will never win this war is NOT because our president is a complete jack ass.
31. It's because he's a complete jack ass who thinks he's fighting a political war.
32. Maybe, just maybe, some countries Do NOT want to be like America.
33. Some cultures are not about treating dogs like babies, and treating babies WORSE than dogs.
34. The man who had like 42 dogs he wasn't taking care of was thrown in prison.
35. The woman who threw the baby in the dumpster was *hospitalized to 'get the help she needs'.
36. Who wouldn't want to be like us? Read the full story

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Life goes on, sometimes.

Monday, April 9, 2007 2 comments

I've been racking my brain and cannot find a way to make what I have to say even the least bit witty or inspiring. So I'm just going to tell ya'll and move on. Thanks for all of the happy encouraging comments on the ummmm post.

Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. I don't want to have a tearfest. I did that already. Yesterday morning when I woke up and realized what was happening. I got back in bed. Pulled the covers over my head. And proclaimed to J that nothing could make me get out of bed. And God quickly prompted me to remember that my son's best friend's mom was going to church with us. For the first time. And that nagging little thought would not leave my brain. So I got up. And life goes on.

If I weren't So freakin intuitive and didn't KNOW my body as well as I do, I wouldn't have even realized it. I would have passed it off as late and heavy. So, is ignorance bliss? In this case I would have to say yes! Unequivocally yes.

The thing that really gets me, is that I was *quite content without a 'Thing 6'. Until there was one. And the second I realized it, the desire of my heart changed completely. Now I want a Thing 6. And it's not there anymore. So what was the point?

I'm straight though. It's all good. I know there is a plan. But I didn't get the memo yet, so I admit I am absolutely clueless as to what the actual plan is. But really, how is that part different from any other day. Read the full story

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Nothing says 'Thanks for dying for my sins" like easter bunnies, eggs & candy. lol.

Saturday, April 7, 2007 2 comments

So, I've been contemplating this whole easter thing and am curious how you wiew this holyday. or holiday, if it's not holy to you. What exactly does this day mean to you?

I've always just taught my kids that the easter bunny ~along with santa & the tooth fairy~ is kinda like Barney. Pretend. Something fun and nonsensical (I know. But you KNOW how I feel about Encarta. And I really *wasn't sure if it was a word) It's something we do to humor grandma & grandpa. But they know the TRUTH. ANd they have no problem telling it to anyone. Whether you ask or not. SOmetimes this is not such a good thing. Like when it makes thier friends cry. And then causes angry parents to call me at night. That's not so fun.

Parent: How could you do that to your child?
Me:How could I do what? *Not lie to them?

I don't care if you do the 'santa/easter bunny thing. I don't tell my kids you're evil incarnate because of it. But WHY would you call and ask me that question? I don't call you and ask why you tell your children a big bunny comes in the middle of the night laying eggs and leaving easter baskets. I'm sorry my child made yours cry and ask if you were lying. We had a talk about it. Really. But he was smarter than me & I had no clue how to come back from his reply.

Me: You know... I know what we believe, but everyone else doesn't believe that. And you made your friends cry. So maybe we shouldn't say anything to them about it. Thier parents want to tell them something else. And we should respect that.

Thing 1: I thought the bible tells us to tell the truth about Jesus.

Me: It does.

Thing 1: Then why do you want me to lie to my friends? You always tell me not to lie.

Me, *desperately trying to reason with this boy so I don't have to be screamed at by any more parents: I don't want you to lie. I just don't want you to say anything about it.

Thing 6: That's still NOT telling the truth about Jesus.

There was nothing else I could say. I was out wisdom'ed by a (then) 7 yr old.

So you see, it's not my fault. He knows how to read. And he has good taste in books. And great life application skills. WOW homeschooling really does pay off! Who'dda thunk it? (I can't help it. There is just something about that word. I know. It's like a sickness or something.)

All of that to say Have a happy 'He's alive' day. Or happy EasterBunny day. Or whatever you are celebrating tomorrow:)

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ummmm ....

Friday, April 6, 2007 7 comments

Apparently the visitor will be delayed by about 9+ months. And Thing 6 IS in the works. Atleast, according to EPT....


In other news, a house on 1 acre has fallen from the sky and will be ours in 3 weeks.

Imagine that! Read the full story

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On my last nerve...maybe.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 4 comments

You know that 1 nerve that we all have. Yes, the last 1. As in "You are getting on my last nerve!" How do you really know it's the last one? What if there are more, secret nerves that come out to replace all of the ones that you've lost. And where exactly do all of those nerves go?

I have been on my last nerve for days now. If, in fact it is the very last one. It's frazzled and frayed and falling apart. And there are these things hanging from it...as in Thing 1 and Thing 2 and Thing 3 and Thing 4 and not~so~much Thing 5 but *most definently the biggest Thing of them all. I think they think it's a tight rope or something b/c they're doing tricks on it. Pulling it down. Yanking on it and bouncing on top of it. I'm afraid it's going to snap, and they're all going to fall down.

It's not thier fault really. They are just doing what they were designed to do ~ kinda like monkeys in the zoo, hanging around doing odd monkey~things.

But I have been waiting for a visitor...who seems to have bailed. Maybe it's lost with all of those nerves. But this is a very important visitor. You know the one that we all dread each month until it doesn't show up. Ya that's the one. Have you seen it? Did it stop by to visit you first? If you do see it, please send it my way.

I'm freaking out here. Just a little. Can you tell? I can't help it. Everywhere I go it's babies and more babies. Or women who are about to have babies. What if it's in the water? I should stop drinking water. Don't get me wrong. I love babies. I'm very very prone to getting 'baby fever'. That's why we have 5 already. But I'm trying NOT to get baby fever 'cause Thing 5 just turned 1 yr and it's about that time.....lol. But right now ALL I can think of are all the reasons that it would NOT be good timing.

Are you listening God? We have NO room. And I don't mean no room as in, "We could rearrange if we had to." I mean we have no room as in, we were buying a house that fell through and ended up in a 34ft Rv. With 5 kids. SO either send 'the visitor' or send a house. And if You want ... I could use some more nerves too. Because as You read above, I'm down to my last 1. Read the full story