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So how have ya'll been?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 1 comments

We've been good. A little chaotic but good.

It's kinda ironic the way my life works. When I had plenty of time I had NO internet connection. Now that I have plenty of internet connection, i have NO time!

But I love you SO much that I made some time. Just for You!

We are officially moved and it has been crazy busy.

Of course we have been busy with other things too. Like getting ready for school to start next week. And I'm going to be gone ALL weekend. I am seriously SO excited!!!!


that means....

that the BIGGEST Thing of them ALL....

will have all of the *little Things....

by himself.....

for 2 days.

So ya'll need to PRAY hard for him ;)

and them.

Have a GREAT weekend!

Aw, how sweet - you made time for me! ;) I bet you’re busy girl, with all the *things* around ya! Yay for moving & lots of internet connection! I’m excited for you that school is starting. I hope you have a great week - see ya around when you have the time!

I’m so glad, ‘cuz your just the gal I wanted to visit for a smile! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

LOL and WE MISSED YOU! Thanks for makin time for ME ;-) Glad you guys are all moved in and you have INTERNET THIS TIME! w00t! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and yes, we will all be praying for him … and them ;-)

OH and btw, I had to go private on my spot cause the paparazzi got ahold of my address ;-) So send me your email address and you’ll have the exclusive entrance ;-)

My gosh, what is wrong with me…I thought I commented already, cause I sure did miss you…oh, my poor menopausal mind ;)!

So how was it…the conference, I mean. I really, really, really want to go to one of those in the worst way! Please share when you have time. I’m just so happy to “hear” from you :)…

Just wanted to come by and say a quick “hi” to you, Heather! :)

I am strugglin’ a little bit, and YOU are the person I feel I need to talk to if’n ya have the time! Will you please e-mail me? titus2fam(at)yahoo(dot)com. (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Hey Heather! I wanted to come by and let you know that I made it through the first quarter of school, so I finally have a little bit of time until the next. It’s nice to be able to say hi and thanks for the support and for commenting even though I’ve been MIA! Talk to you soon (hopefully) :).

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To school or Not to school???

I put the kids in school last year.

I know.

Don't bad mommy me.

It was a VERY hard decision to make.

I was writing my own curriculum for 3 schoolagers.

In 3 different grades.

And a preschooler.

I was pregnant.

And very TiReD.

I was chasing a very active toddler

And an extremely hyper preschooler.

There was SO much going on at the time ~ you have NO idea what we went through the past 14 months ~ and

I. Just. Couldn't. Do. It.

I admit it.

I am not *Supermom.

So I prayed and I prayed because I couldn't just hand my little *things over to the Fla public schools.

That would have been the equivalent of throwing them into the *Lions Den.

And yes, I know Daniel made it out just fine....

but it's not like his mom is the one who tossed him in there!

So I was led to a charter school. Actually a Montessori Academy which fit them perfectly coming from a fairly laid back and self directed homeschooling enviroment.

It' technically a public school, BUT because it's a charter school it's run like a private school.

Which we could NEVER afford with 6 kiddos.

There are only 16 (or less) kids in each class.


imagine my shock (and joy) when I found out they actually PRAY *in school.

Yes they do.

But I still felt really really guilty.

Like maybe,

just maybe,

I had failed.

My children.

And my God.

And that I was definently not the *good mommy that I thought I was.

And that I try SO hard to be.

Then I read this book, about the life of Paul.

How EVERY detail of his life

(his birthright, his citizenship, his parents sending him to study under Gamaliel)

was specifically planned the way it was for him to fulfill his purpose.

And I realized that it was OK if *I wasn't the one who taught my children math. Or science. Or geography.

Because *I am still teaching them the most important things of all.

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Oh Heather…I LOVE this post! I am a firm believer that things always turn out the way they’re supposed to. It’s just that sometimes OUR plan is on a different timeframe from the MASTER plan. I think it sounds like you have found THE perfect place for the kids AND you–and I’m glad. If feeling guilty served a useful purpose or did any good? Well, then I’d say go ahead and knock yourself out with the guilt. But it doesn’t, so I won’t. BWAHAHAHA! Heck, I’m WAAAAAAY older than you, and I want you for a Mom!!!! :)

I think much of the time we spend comparing to others, we miss out on what is best for our family. Good for you for praying it through and deciding on the right course of action for your children. I am so glad to here that you care about them enough to think long and hard about the decision, no matter what your conclusion was.

Hey!! It was so good to see you at my blog! I have to admit, I was getting a little…okay…maybe a lot worried about you! I’m glad things are going well for your family. Continue to follow God’s leading in your decisions with your family, and you won’t go wrong. Just stay close to Him.

Hey That Mommy!!! :) I came by looking for a new post, but I found your “NEW LOOK” instead. Nice! Very, very nice! Hope your week is off to a good start…

I think the school you’ve found sounds like a perfect fit! I hadn’t thought of checking into charter schools in the area, if there are any. I think the conclusion you’ve come to is accurate - the kids will learn what they will at school, you can always add to that & of course be teaching them what’s most important. BTW, there’s no *supermom* or we’re ALL supermoms - that’s really the only way it can be. We all face different challenges & I’m sure feel we fail at some level of expectation we set for ourselves. You’re doing a great job!

I love you soo very much, and OH GIRL! How many times have almost ALL HSM’s thought about putting their children in school? I know I have, and wouldn’t ya know… They just opened a Montessori down the road… LOL! No judgements from me AT ALL. I know that for us we’ve been stuck inside more than ever due to my injury, and at times I feel bad for it. It’s SUMMER! but God really is sovereign, and for some reason this is where we are supposed to be right now…. (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Here is a link to the book at Amazon~you can get it used at a good price: http://www.amazon.com/Well-Lose-Weight-While-Breastfeeding/dp/0345492595/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1218286554&sr=8-1 I’m going to leave a five-star review! The one pictured is a newer edition than mine… HHHMMMM…. (((((HUGS))))) sandi

no you should homeschool us again

Just wanted to drop by and tell you I miss you! Have a great weekend, Heather!

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